
I’m Karolina and I’m a 24 year old student specializing in interior design. For a long time I have dreamed of designing and creating spaces and now I´m on a learning journey to see where it gets me. The part of the design process I particularly enjoy is the 3D building and rendering. I´m also very keen to learn new softwares to help me bring my ideas and designs to life.

Barcelona, Spain

3DS Max

DOC 234—34/2

Reformation and extending the commercial area of a pharmacy, creating an architectural redesign and new furniture on the premises that we were provided located in the Ebro Delta. 

Location - This pharmacy is located at C/ Bruc 21, Jesús i Maria, a street in the Ebro Delta, Tarragona. It is a town of about 11,834 inhabitants, most of them middle-aged.

To design all this from scratch, we had to rely on storytelling to to be able to give credit and give meaning to the premises in a more dynamic and moving way. We wanted to place ourselves in the the land where the pharmacy located, the Ebro River. It has been providing raw materials for a long time coming from the Pyrenees, the Iberian System and Cantábria, where the river comes from. This large amount of materials has created a surface superior to the 320 km². The Ebro Delta has allowed both animals and humans to be self-sufficient, that is, ensuring that everything essential for them they could do themselves, so they have created a certain independence with hunting, fishing, agriculture, among other things. Not only it allowed them to feed themselves, but it also had to do with the area of ​​housing, since they had to build their own homes - barracas. They were not only functional, but also generated a balance of environmental integration with the landscape and culture. The barracks were built with reeds, logs, wood, rice straw and mud, since the Ebro Delta as a place with a lot of biodiversity and self-sufficiency. Today there are still some barracks that are preserved, but many of those that are built today are a reference and an inspiration to create and design them somewhat more innovative and modernized.

Objectives: On the one hand, we had a series of objectives that we had to meet if we wanted to put ourselves in the shoes of a real designer and satisfy those who were going to be our clients, so that with the storytelling that we have created and with other factors taken into account, we saw that we had to increase loyalty of regular customers and attract new ones.
We also had to communicate the company philosophy to different users, so that everyone could empathize and get a little closer to the place and not see it as simple commerce, but a safe and reliable place.
Another objective we had as designers was to be able to communicate all the services offered in the pharmacy, since many of the clients are older people and suffer from some type of disability or difficulty.
Additionally, we had to be able to design a space to capture the attention of customers and be able to sell more as well as having enough strength and ability to convey efficiency and professionalism at all costs.Also, we had to take into account and include a number of things that were asked of us to adapt as much as possible to the suggestions that the owners of the pharmacy asked.

1.Office of the pharmacy owner
2.Meeting area for staff (5 people) + workshops (8 people)
4.User service area
5.Merchandise reception, warehouse and extras
6.Office for the pharmacist or differentiated area that allows personalized care

Additional factors:

1.How to translate the concept of "barracas" in a synthetic and non-literal way - only inspired or similar materials but not capturing the literal concept

2. Barraca concept but modernize it

3. Not giving too much importance to the storage area

4. Have space for the worker on duty

5. “Smart” counters

Materials: wood, rattan, concrete, lime mortar, glass, metal

Floor plan with extended commercial area, storage, bathroom, workshop area and rest area for the employees.

Floor plan with materials

A very important part besides the materials was the lighting in the space and the product themselves. We wanted it to seem natural, but there also had to be enough light as this is a pharmacy. We also developed special custom counters to fit the space exactly.

Finally, we made the renders that showcase the whole space, using our initial concept and all the materials. It transforms the old concept of barracas into a more modern one.

2345—45/42 LISUM